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[6pack] Painting advice

To: 6 Pack <6pack@autox.team.net> FILETIME=[620928D0:01D02EFF]
Subject: [6pack] Painting advice
From: James_ <jattr6@hotmail.com>
Date: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 23:05:56 -0800
Delivered-to: mharc@autox.team.net
Delivered-to: 6pack@autox.team.net
I need a fresh paint job.

Single stage or base coat/clear coat?

I found a local guy who works on all sorts of classic cars. He wants to do a
single stage urethane and needs several months to sand, a few rust repairs and

My neighbor saw a tr4 getting painting at ... Wait for it...Maaco.
So I paid them a visit. They have loads of classics and newer cars they are
painting, restoring, rust repair etc. It was actually quite impressive. Most
finished products had been delivered but a couple cars were still there. On
one such car I could see some dust specks in the paint but it was an
impressive job overall.
Now, Maaco has always been synonymous with ... Well ... Crappy work.
Additionally, they suggest clear coat/base coat.

So what do folks think about which paint method and will Maaco's work really
hold up and be good? Guess it is just paint and the important bit is the prep
work. And gets down to the shop. One Maaco may be rubbish while the one I
visited my have great
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