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Re: [6pack] 1970 tuning questions

To: Sally or Dick Taylor <tr6taylor@webtv.net>, 6pack List
Subject: Re: [6pack] 1970 tuning questions
From: Kendall Larsen <mailkendall@sbcglobal.net>
Date: Sat, 13 Jun 2009 01:27:02 -0700 (PDT)
Hi Dick,

Good to hear from you! I recently moved so that now I live an hour northwest of 
you off the 101 instead of the hour south that I was before.

I was kind of looking for the outline answer that you gave. I can look more in 
depth for the long answers knowing that I'm on the right track now!

I will check for leaks, try and figure out how to check the float height since 
I've never done that before and see where that gets me. 

Right now the TR is my 'reliable car' while I figure out how I'm supposed to 
change some inaccessible and leaking coolant hoses on an Audi A4 that has 214k 
miles on it...

Thanks for the reply,

From: Sally or Dick Taylor <tr6taylor@webtv.net>
To: Kendall Larsen <mailkendall@sbcglobal.net>; 6pack List 
Sent: Friday, June 12, 2009 11:30:46 PM
Subject: Re: [6pack] 1970 tuning questions

Kendall---The questions you posed would take more space to answer than this 
list would allow, so I'll give you an outline. Write back to me off list if you 
like, for the details. Meanwhile...

The a/f ratio you're looking for is between 15 to 1 and 13 to 1.  14.7:1 the 

If you have carbs with non-adjustable needles, you may have the kind that can 
be adjusted by raising, or in your case lowering the jet(s). 

Be sure there is no un-metered air (leaks)entering the intake manifold, which 
would lean out the mixture.

Consider connecting an H-Pipe above and between the two down-pipes to get some 
reading from the front carb.

Be sure the 02 sensor gets hot enough to get a true reading. Otherwise it will 
show leaner than it really is.

The fuel pickup tube (jets) being in the center of the float bowls shouldn't 
necessarily starve out when making turns. In any case, try setting the floats 
at the highest of the ranges given in the ZS manual.

You probably won't burn a valve unless you drive a good deal of the time with 
an a/f mix with the gauge showing readings of 18:1, or "off the scale" lean.

I've had 02 sensor and a/f monitor in and running for about 10 years now. I 
really enjoy it's reporting!


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