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[6pack] Electric coolin fan

To: 6-Pack email <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: [6pack] Electric coolin fan
From: Mitch <ms6453@optonline.net>
Date: Thu, 08 Jan 2009 14:33:44 -0500
Thanks for all the input. It seems like the response is overwhelming for 
mechanical fan removal. Although I'm not convinced that electric fans 
"never fail" , Joe's research & execution are always top notch.  I'll 
give up some efficiency for the time being to gain the extra fan belt 
service room for now (the blower goes through belts a little more often 
than normal) & run it through the summer then reevaluate. As long as the 
car remains with in acceptable temps I'm good. My pusher is modified to 
use a simple shroud funneling the air through the radiator.

Thanks again, as usual the help is appreciated.

Mitch Seff
Oceanside, N.Y.
75 TR6 SC

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