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Re: [6pack] sealing a Cast Valve Cover

To: 6pack <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: [6pack] sealing a Cast Valve Cover
From: "Scott Tilton" <triumph.tr4@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 6 Jun 2008 15:19:52 -0400
Never really knew how many off list replies these e-mails get until I
actually started posting questions to the list.

Let's see - How to answer / reply to people - as I have gotten multiples of
the same comments:

I just got a cast valve cover- haven't installed it yet.
So I'm actually NOT having any troubles as of yet.
I just saw the fat / flat bottom flange and thought there was room in there
for milling a groove for an o-ring cord.
It was just a thought.

I'm told that some people have done that.
I'm also told that some already come like that.  (really?)

I had thought about milling a groove in a head in the past - but never
really had the opportunity to do it.
Seems to me it'd be easier to mill one in the head - if not for the simple
reason that it'd be easier to mount the thing on machine.
Also - you usually need to take your head to a machine shop sooner or later

Why would I do it?  Why use Oring cord in a groove?
Probably the same reason they do it that way on modern cars instead of using
cork gaskets.
It's a more robust solution to the issue.  Reusable and fool proof (and I'm
a fool obviously)

Obviously I'm not following the "if it ain't broke, then don't fix it. .
."  school of thought.
Not broken?  Heck - I haven't even tried it out.

Sometimes I just can't leave well enough alone.  (see fool reference from

Lastly - had a couple of comments about roller rockers.  It was my
understanding that for the TR6 - the roller rockers will fit under the stock
cover.   (not so for the TR3/4)  Is that not true?

Thanks for all the replies - I enjoy them.


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