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Re: [6pack] Ethanol gasoline blends,small engines

To: <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: [6pack] Ethanol gasoline blends,small engines
From: steve bridge <slbridge@hotmail.com>
Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2008 14:15:17 +0000
Though not a chemical engineer, it was explained to me that Aviation Fuel is
refined to a higher standard as airplanes set longer without use (like LBC's)
and it is the sulphur and other impurities in road fuel that contribute to
engine wear and shellac formation. Bearing failure and plugged fuel lines are
not good up in the air.
 I worked in a refinery and was told in the early 90's that since they could
no longer sell Benzene, Tolulene
 and other solvents, they would begin mixing them in the gas for retail use. I
noticed that was the same time the Benzene storage tanks were labeled
"Carcinogenic" and warning labels went on retail pumps. "do not breathe
fumes". The shelf life was dramatically reduced to 3 months or less, I was
told , because of these additives. That is why, when the oil barons bloated
gas prices and we suddenly cut back our usage, the price dropped temporarily.
They had to move it as the gas spoils in their tanks just as it does in ours.

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