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Re: [6pack] speedo opinions

To: jimjcmo@yahoo.com (Jim Jones)
Subject: Re: [6pack] speedo opinions
From: tr6taylor@webtv.net (Sally or Dick Taylor)
Date: Mon, 3 Mar 2008 17:27:25 -0800
Jim---Your hand drill needs to be capable of matching the speed of the
instrument in question, when it hums. (Is it the speedo or the "dizzy")?
Be sure to have the same angle of cable turns in play when you make the
check. If the sheath is worn enough, the inner cable could grab and let
go, grab and etc...


E-mail message

Sender: 6pack-bounces+tr6taylor=webtv.net@autox.team.net From:
jimjcmo@yahoo.com(Jim Jones) Date: Mon, Mar 3, 2008, 3:45pm To:
6pack@autox.team.net Subject: [6pack] speedo opinions
My speedometer is making a lot of noise (RMM-RMM-RMM) and the needle
bounces around a 180 degree arc. I've lubed the cable so it turns
freely. It was new one year ago. When I test the speedo using my
adjustable speed drill it's quite silent. I've also tested it by having
the drill turn the cable shaft on the dizzy end. It's quiet too.
    What in blazes am it missing here?!

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