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[6pack] Weber DGV Carbs

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: [6pack] Weber DGV Carbs
From: michael lunsford <mblunsfordsr@yahoo.com>
Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2008 13:52:03 -0800 (PST)
This discussion about Weber DGV carbs is timely since the 71 TR6 I bought 
yesterday has a set of what looks like new Webers on it.  The former owner said 
he had problems with the ZS carbs so he preplaced them with Webers.  He said he 
paid $800 for.them but couldn't  get them to working either.  After that he let 
the car sit in his garage for 7 years before deciding to sell it.  
  Several of my friends have said one likely reason that they didn't work right 
was because someone put a facet electric fuel pump on the car,  He said he has 
had two on his TR3 and that they only worked sporadically which he described as 
just enough to idle well but not run well.  I don't know much about Webers and 
have decided to rebuild the ZS carbs and put a stock fuel pump back on the car. 
  Anyone interested in a pair of Webers contact me off net.
  Mike Lunsford 1970 TR6 and 1971 TR6  

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