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Re: [6pack] Door panels - DOH!!

To: jimjcmo@yahoo.com (Jim Jones)
Subject: Re: [6pack] Door panels - DOH!!
From: tr6taylor@webtv.net (Sally or Dick Taylor)
Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2007 17:23:37 -0700
 Jim---Assuming you're still alive and haven't yet slashed your wrists,
I'll pass a tip on to ya".

AT first I was sure that the clip holes in the new door panel was
mis-stamped, as there was no way to get more than a few clips to line
up. (I almost sent it back to TRF)  Since it took two months to get it,
and I was tired of looking at the bare inner door workings, I tried one
more thing.

Taking a piece of CLEAR plexiglass, slightly larger than the shape of
the door, I held (and taped) it up against the door, so I could see
where the holes were. Then transfered all of them onto the 'glass with a
black marker. Satisfied that they were correct, I was ready to "locate"
the clock positions of the clips. (They were all over the place) Each
clip was turned so that they matched the markers. Only one wouldn't
cooperate, so it was removed.

With all of the clips in position, they fell perfectly into the door
holes. I did add some Vasoline to the tips, figuring they would need
help. Don't think it was necessary, but couldn't hurt.

If you want to use the panel springs, I believe the larger diameter goes
against the door panel.


jimjcmo@yahoo.com(Jim Jones)

    I opened up my doors today to renew the window channels,
which was not nearly as tedious of a chore as I'd anticipated. What DOES
have me baffle is installing new interior door panels. My old ones were
simply attached to the doors with screws. After attemping to install the
new panels with the #*)@?=!! clips I'm ready to open my wrists with the
vague hope that the sacrifice will find favor with the
Standard-Triumph gods. Criminey!

    There must be a technique for doing this, or apparently my
IQ is lower than that of Larry the Cable Guy.
    My questions are this:
    1. Do I push the clips onto the sides of the holes adjacent
to the perimeter of the panels, or on the opposite sides? Or ... ????
    2. Are the springs placed on the spindles of the door
handles and window cranks with the larger end away from the spindles, or
the opposite?
    Whyizzit that the seemingly minor chores are such an
unprintable pain in the blankety-blank? ARRGH!

    Any help is appreciated. I'm considering hiring it done, or
setting my self on fire. The latter is beginning to seem more and more

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