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RE: [6pack] Door panels - DOH!!

To: "Jim Jones" <jimjcmo@yahoo.com>, <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: RE: [6pack] Door panels - DOH!!
From: "Navarrette, Vance" <vance.navarrette@intel.com>
Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2007 08:03:24 -0700

        Don't set yourself on fire. The car will do that for you,
courtesy of Mssr. Lucas, aka "Prince of Darkness".

        As for the door panels - been there, done that, got the t-shirt.

        First, I recommend omitting the door handle springs. Everything
works just fine without them, and disassembly and reassembly are much
easier. If you are a nut for originality, the small end points toward
the door, the large end points into the passenger compartment. But I
urge you to omit them for the sake of your sanity. No need to give up
the heavy drinking, however. I find life is much more relaxed after a
good bender.
        As for the panel clips, I recall the answer being "none of the
above". I wanted my panels (from Moss) to be centered on the door when
it was closed. As I recall, this meant the door panel needed to be
installed moved rearward by about 1/2". Remember this is from memory,
and with an old fart like me it is a dangerous thing to rely on memory.
        To get it to fit properly in my car, I installed all the clips
so that they were moved towards the front edge of the panel. This
centered the panel on the door when closed, and gave what I felt was the
best appearance from inside the car. YMMV. I also needed to tweak one or
two of the clips during the fitting, as the holes in the panel are not
necessarily centered over their respective mounting holes in the door -
so it was necessary to push the clips around a bit as I worked my way
around the panel.

        Lift one up for me,


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-6pack@Autox.Team.Net [mailto:owner-6pack@Autox.Team.Net] On
Behalf Of Jim Jones
Sent: August 19, 2007 4:01 PM
To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: [6pack] Door panels - DOH!!



  My questions are this:

  1. Do I push the clips onto the sides of the holes adjacent to the
perimeter of the panels, or on the opposite sides? Or ... ????

  2. Are the springs placed on the spindles of the door handles and
window cranks with the larger end away from the spindles, or the

  Whyizzit that the seemingly minor chores are such an unprintable pain
in the blankety-blank? ARRGH!

  Any help is appreciated. I'm considering hiring it done, or setting my
self on fire. The latter is beginning to seem more and more reasonable.

  Drinkin' and pouting

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