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RE: NOT LBC related but could be, Copy rites for CDs

To: "'Richard Seaton'" <rsh17@msn.com>, "'6 Pack'"
Subject: RE: NOT LBC related but could be, Copy rites for CDs
From: "Blake J. Discher" <bdischer@blakedischer.com>
Date: Thu, 11 Jan 2007 07:21:46 -0500
Hi Richard,

I wasn't sure from your post if you were asking about copy-protecting your
CD or asking how to go about copyrighting your CD.  I can't speak to the
former, but as a photographer, I can speak to the latter as I copyright all
my images on a monthly basis.

Your CD is copyrighted the moment it is created and requires no action on
your part except for proper notification, which amounts to your placing the
circle c symbol followed by the year of first publication and your name or
company.  In the event of infringement, you are entitled to statutory
damages if you prevail.

However, if you register your work with the US copyright office PRIOR TO
INFRINGEMENT, using a one page, very simple form, and your work is
infringed, you are entitled to statutory damages and punitive damages.  The
cost to file is $30.

For a complete primer on copyright, the major trade organization for
photographers has an excellent resource on line:
http://asmp.org/commerce/legal/copyright/ which includes links to the forms.
The primer is available to non-members.

If you want to talk on the phone, give me a call at 313-259-4460.  I'm glad
to help if I can.

Blake Discher

With your help, America's British Reliability Run has raised more than
$100,000 for children's charities in five years! Complete info at

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Richard Seaton [mailto:rsh17@msn.com]
> Sent: Monday, January 08, 2007 11:18 PM
> To: 6 Pack
> Subject: NOT LBC related but could be, Copy rites for CDs
> Hey, I'm trying to figure out the cheapest way to copy write a CD with
> some
> TR6 related information. Any ideas on the cost involved in obtaining and
> is
> there any way to sell a CD without someone being able to just burn copies
> for
> their own distribution? Any comments or info would be greatly appreciated.

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