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Re: SPAM on Triumph e-mail list, and Truimph newsgroups

To: "jhaeg" <haeg1@mninter.net>, 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: SPAM on Triumph e-mail list, and Truimph newsgroups
From: TRDOCTOR@aol.com
Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2006 11:25:07 EST
Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2006 08:51:27 -0600
From: "jhaeg"  <haeg1@mninter.net>
Subject: SPAM on Triumph e-mail list, and Truimph  newsgroups

This is a little off topic.

I've been on this e-mail  list for several years, because I own a TR6, and I
believe the collective  group has an amazing amount of Triumph related
knowledge to  share.   Unfortunately the ratio of my SPAM e-mail to real  
is getting close to 20-1 in the last few months, and I'm starting to  suspect
that this has something to do with being subscribed to the Triumph  e-mail

A few questions:
- - Are others on this group  experiencing the same thing, or is it just me, 
I have to find a way to  get improved SPAM filtering?
- - If this is a common problem to a majority of  the subscribers, has the 
as a whole ever discussed switching to a  newsgroup format? I personally would
welcome this change.
- - Is there an  active Triumph related newsgroup?  I haven't found one.

Note: I  do have some type of SPAM filter turned on by my ISP, but it 
isn't  very good, or the SPAM generators are just too good at getting past
these  filters.

Thanks in advance for any of your  replies.

John H. in Minneapolis.
I have not had any problems with SPAM from the lists  that I subscribe to 
(triumphs/6-PACK).  However, I am currently using the  latest AOL highspeed for 
my ISP with SPAM, Virus, Firewall, etc.  But even  before that, using 
AdSubtract pro for popups we really didn't have a  problem.  Just my $.02.
For the triumphs related news group go to _triumphs@autox.team.net_ 
You have subscribe to the list.  I forget how at  the moment but I'm sure 
that someone on this list can point you in the right  direction.
Good luck!

Sam and Carol Clark 
Green Country Triumphs 
TS45355L  O
CC82030U O

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