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Re: SPAM on Triumph e-mail list, and Truimph newsgroups

To: Joel Zysman <jpzysman@bellsouth.net>,
Subject: Re: SPAM on Triumph e-mail list, and Truimph newsgroups
From: Ed Bratt <bratt@sasktel.net>
Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2006 21:50:57 -0600

I too tired of getting too much spam, so I did what you are advised not to
do, I replied to some of it.

But, I used a made up name, Yuri, and directed "questions" through the
spammer's site's "contact us" link.  Now the spam generated through that
contact comes with the subject line showing the false name, "Yuri".  If
spammers have a name they tend to use it in the subject line, hoping that
you think it is legitimate mail.  I have the message filter in Outlook
delete all messages containing the word "Yuri". Also the spam filter my
service provider runs filters out most messages sent to Yuri.

The imaginary person, Yuri,  even has a last name.  His full name is "Yuri

Kind of makes the whole SPAM thing humorous.

Ed Bratt
Regina, Sask.
1976 Tr6
----- Original Message -----
From: Joel Zysman <jpzysman@bellsouth.net>
To: 'jhaeg' <haeg1@mninter.net>; <6pack@autox.team.net>
Sent: Sunday, November 19, 2006 9:07 AM
Subject: RE: SPAM on Triumph e-mail list, and Truimph newsgroups

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