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Re: Anti Run on valve info

To: "Navarrette, Vance" <vance.navarrette@intel.com>,
Subject: Re: Anti Run on valve info
From: Todd Bermudez <red_tr250@yahoo.com>
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2006 12:36:36 -0800 (PST)

Just happen to be surfin'(no surpise there)...
bpnorthwest.com has them listed on their website @
$62.31...check under engine main components...NFI


Todd Bermudez

--- "Navarrette, Vance" <vance.navarrette@intel.com>

>     Folks:
>     Some people were asking for details about the
> anti run on valve I
> mentioned in a previous thread. I checked Roger
> Williams book, and he
> gives the Rover part number: ADU9535. This is a
> ROVER-MG part, not a
> LANDROVER part, so don't get confused. ROVER-MG is
> defunct now, but the
> parts are still available.
>         Moss Europe in particular still offers the
> part. Go to
> www.moss-europe.co.uk and look up the part in their
> Price Guide
> (downloadable pdf file). It is 52GBP, or about $90
> US.
>     There is another supplier in Europe that offers
> it for less, but
> their web page is in Dutch. www.minimotorsport.de
> offers it for 50
> Euros, or about $70US. Don't know how current the
> prices are, so caveat
> emptor. You may be able to find the British
> equivalent of a Pep Boys
> with a lower price. 
>     This part could be teed into the vacuum booster
> line, or better yet
> installed directly into the intake manifold. The
> leads go between
> chassis ground and the hot side of the ignition
> switch so that power is
> applied during start and run. When the ignition is
> shut off, the valve
> opens and dumps the manifold vacuum,  preventing the
> engine from drawing
> fuel.
>     Cheers,
>     Vance

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