Years ago I was surfing the Mass RMV web site looking for available vanity
plate for my 76 TR6. All the usual suspects were taken. I tried TR6, TRSIX,
TRSIXX, 76 TR6, TRI UMP so on & so on (all were taken already).
A while later my wife walks by & asked "what are you looking for?" I
told her "I want a vanity plate for my TR6". She say's "your friggin TR SICK"
I tried that. It's available & now my car has "TRSICK".
A couple of years later, my car is on a show field. A father & young son
(maybe about 8 - 10 years old) walk by looking at my car. The son see's my
plate & say's "Dad, what does TRSICK mean?". The Father replies "It's a
British Car. It breaks down all the time".
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