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RE: Con Rod/Main Bearings

To: "Sean McCafferty" <mccafferty@sympatico.ca>,
Subject: RE: Con Rod/Main Bearings
From: "Navarrette, Vance" <vance.navarrette@intel.com>
Date: Thu, 2 Nov 2006 07:21:55 -0800

        Packing the oil pump with Vaseline is an old trick to make sure
that the pump primes very quickly and the oil starts flowing immediately
on startup. It won't hurt anything if you do it, but the TR6 oil pump is
a very good design and will self prime immediately. Roger Williams says
that it isn't necessary to do this for our motors.....



From: Sean McCafferty [mailto:mccafferty@sympatico.ca]
Sent: November 02, 2006 6:32 AM
To: 'Sally or Dick Taylor'; 'Steven Altomare'; Navarrette, Vance; 'Greg
Perry'; 'michael lunsford'
Subject: Con Rod/Main Bearings


As usual the 'list' was very responsive with a number of helpful

My approach to the situation will follow the typical pattern ... " Since
the pan is already off and I'm in there anyway, and the driving season
is over , I might as well ......"

    - change out the oil pump
    - change out the conrod and main bearings and check the clearances
    - check out the thrust washers and change them out to bring them
within spec
    - clean everything up (I think cleaning up the remnants of the old
gasket is probably good for 3 hours by itself!!)
    - look at anything else within a three foot radius of the oil pan
and fiddle with that as well

Something tells me I might have a another question once I get into the
job ... but you never know. My parts guy mentioned something about
vaseline in the oil pump but I've not read that suggestion anywhere yet

Thanks again.

Sean McCafferty
Milton, Ontario
Home:   (905) 693-8735
Cell:      (905) 609-3005

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