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Re: Strange new noise

To: sutherlandha@aol.com (hugh sutherland)
Subject: Re: Strange new noise
From: tr6taylor@webtv.net (Sally or Dick Taylor)
Date: Mon, 9 Oct 2006 23:11:20 -0700
 Hugh---Many of us have heard this squeal, and have reported it to the
list. The two most common causes are:
1) the (nearly stopped) throwout bearing coming in contact with the
(rotating) clutch fingers.

2) The throwout bearing is starting to fail from age, or ran out of the
prepacked grease.

You can let it be if you can stand the sound it makes. It rarely goes
away without "doing something".
If and when you decide to correct this, be sure to include the two
dowels, or the larger 3/8 inch diameter bolts at two and eight o'clock.
This is important to keep the clutch and throwout bearing spinning in
the same circle.


sutherlandha@aol.com(hugh sutherland)  

I have detected a new strange noise on my 76 TR6. When I push the clutch
pedal, I get a nasty squeeling sound. The sound starts as soon as I
press the clutch pedal an inch or so. And stops when I let the clutch
out. The shifing is smooth, and the car is otherwise running great. I
had a few CTR members listen while participating in the Hunt Country
Classic in Marshall VA this past weekend (great british event by the
way) and no one could figure out the cause of the mystery squeel.

 Does my problem sound familiar to anyone? Thanks, 
Hugh Sutherland
Alexandria VA

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