Just reading Kai's latest tuning suggestions in the recent 6-pack
magazine. I was wondering about the logistics of setting up the triple
strombergs. I know where to get the manifold but I'm not clear about a
few things..
1. Assuming you are starting with a standard twin Stromberg setup,
where does the third Stromberg go, ie do you keep the original carbs as
the front and rear and insert the extra carb in the middle ?
2. Since the carbs are front/rear, does it matter which type you
use for the third carb ?
3. Do any of the carbs need to be modified to work in this triple
setup or is it just bolt on ?
4. Where does the linkage come from, is that all made up from the
original linkage plus something, and if so where do the extra bits come
from to connect the center carb ?