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Re: Dashboard

To: Sally or Dick Taylor <tr6taylor@webtv.net>, 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Dashboard
From: Todd Bermudez <red_tr250@yahoo.com>
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2006 17:04:43 -0700 (PDT)

I stuck a clock in where the rheostat normally
installs.  Same size gauge.  Gotta watch the depth of
the gauge though.  My clock was a little deeper than
the rest...took a little more fitting, but there
should be plenty of room for a boost gauge.  Most
couldn't tell I'd done it.


--- Sally or Dick Taylor <tr6taylor@webtv.net> wrote:

>  Rick---If you don't mind giving up the location of
> the Emergency
> Flasher, this is a handy spot for the boost gauge.
> The two holes where
> the Hazard lettering are provides the spot for the
> VDO (threaded) posts
> can go thru. The hole where the pull knob is is just
> right for the
> vacuum/pressure hose and wiring for the gauge light.
> All this, and no
> new holes need be drilled in the dash or metal
> backing.
> The flasher can still be intact in a behind the dash
> location.
> If you have the early style rocker flasher switch,
> all bets are off.
> Dick
> From: patton@suscom-maine.net(Rick) Subject:
> Dashboard 
> Hello All, 
> Just about to redo the wood dash and want to add a
> boost gauge and some
> other little goodies. Anyway I hope someone can
> share a good photo of
> the metal dashboard backing with the wooden fascia
> removed. Looking to
> see where bracing is located so there is no
> interference with the new
> gauge. 
> thanks in advance, 
> Rick Patton
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