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Moving the TR250

To: <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: Moving the TR250
From: "Original Music" <originalmusic@adelphia.net>
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 00:30:22 -0400
Hi everyone. You haven't heard much from me lately as the TR250 project went
on hold while we went through the laborious task of selling our house and
buying another one. Good news is that the new house has a BANGING
spacious-heated-superlicious garage.

So, with the engine out, block removed and boxes of parts neatly organized,
I will be moving the car hopefully MAY 9th. Just up the highway a bit. Any
suggestions on how to get this done without incident? Moving it from Duxbury
MA up to Hanover MA. about a 12 minute ride (or so).

Thanks in advance,
Bob Pascarella

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