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Re: Head gaskets, II

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Head gaskets, II
From: tr6taylor@webtv.net (Sally or Dick Taylor)
Date: Wed, 30 Nov 2005 12:03:08 -0800
 Thanks, Dennis. I guess I was just hoping that you had some SAE paper
on this subject tucked away somewhere that showed retorqueing is or
isn't necessary to ensure that gaskets don't blow prematurely. Since I
have been considered somewhat of a Triumph guru, I like to protect this
honor by getting the best info possible on various subjects. AS stated,
I find no problem in not retorqueing, after doing it correctly the first
time a new gasket is installed.  Others swear that gaskets "shrink" but
offer no tangible evidence of this. My next step will be to recover a
used gasket and compare it to a new one, to see how much crush has taken
place. For whatever that's worth!

From: EngEd@aol.com Date: Wed, Nov 30, 2005, 11:33am (PST+3) To:
Subject: Re: Head gaskets 
Hello, Dick, 
  I hasten to add, I personally am not a gasket expert. (My little
joke.) In fact, were I to research this matter, I'd likely follow A) the
recommendation of the automaker, then B) the recommendation of the
  Given that the automaker is long gone, then I'd reverse the order
to B) then A). 
  That is, I'd look for someone knowledgeable, where, in a sense,
the buck stops. 
  Last (just to avoid being absolutely pig-headed), I'd ask around
to see if collective wisdom proves these other authorities wrong. 
  It has happened. 

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