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Engine rebuild

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Engine rebuild
From: michael lunsford <mblunsfordsr@yahoo.com>
Date: Sat, 12 Nov 2005 14:02:32 -0800 (PST)
I am currently in the process of building a "fast street" (at least I hope it 
will be sort of fast) engine for my TR 6.  For the past two days I have been 
working on the rods under the direction of a retired British car rebuilder.  
After my daily fix ot the six pack discussions of the day I couldn't resist 
adding my past tow days experience with my 6.  Thus far I have  sand blasted, 
ground, machined polished the rods and rebushed the little ends of these things 
 I haven't weighed them yet but believe I have reduced their weight by 1/4 to 
1/3rd.  I now have a MUCH greater appreciation for those of you out there who 
do this for a living.  Obviously my lack of knowledge has tripled or quadrupled 
the amount of time it takes a professional to do the job but there is a certain 
satisfaction (machaocism may be a better word) in working on your own engine.  
Once I finish the other four rods it is off to the machine shop for shot 
peening and checking the big and little ends for the proper
 clearance.  I won't go into the details on the rebore for the pistons, 
grinding polishing on the crank and the work on the head.  Keep your fingers 
crossed.  The only other thing I need is a lot more $$$$.  Cheers.  
  Mike Lunsford, 1970 TR 6     

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