I'm sure you'll be happy to know...Cuyahoga Falls, OH.
North Coast TRiumphs are hosting. I'm sure there
will be something on the 6-PACK website in the next
week or two.
Oh, and you missed one heck of a great time AND a
great tech session. Nothin' like having an
opportunity to ask a GROUP 44 Chief mechanic Tech
questions & then have lunch with him. Oh and having
your car pictured next to the GROUP 44 Car with the
mountains in the background...priceless. Now I have
two autographs on my glovebox.
CF25768UO(with a dash that's gonna have to be replaced
to preserve the autographs)
--- JOHN JOHNSON <john70350@msn.com> wrote:
> Did anyone hear where the 2006 6-PACK trials are
> going to happen? Just
> curious. John
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