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Re: Starter Solenoid problem

To: "Navarrette, Vance" <vance.navarrette@intel.com>
Subject: Re: Starter Solenoid problem
From: Mark <whitetr6@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 9 Jun 2005 11:17:40 -0400
Thank you Vance. That is very, very helpful and greatly appreciated!

On 6/9/05, Navarrette, Vance <vance.navarrette@intel.com> wrote:
>         Mark:
>         The +12 battery cable goes to "B".
>         The wire from the ignition switch will go to either E or F
> (depends on the
> solenoid).
>         They have installed one of the "universal" solenoids for this
> application,
> so it has different terminals to support different applications.  The
> use of a
> universal solenoid is common on rebuilds, and harms nothing except
> originality.
>         Some starters for example use 2 coils, pull in and holding. The
> pull in
> coil is only energized until the solenoid engages, then the holding coil
> holds
> the solenoid in place until the key is released. This requires two
> separate
> connections, one for each coil. Our starters don't use this scheme, so
> only one
> connection is needed.
>         Try both connections - one will work, the other will not and may
> give
> truly odd results, depending on how it is connected. For example the
> solenoid
> may engage, but not disengage, that sort of thing. So have your battery
> cutoff
> switch handy so you can disconnect the battery if the starter keeps
> spinning
> when the engine starts.
>         You can ignore C&D, as they are tied into B, and so will always
> be at +12v.
> Once again, these are required by some applications, but not our TR6s.
>         "A" is the terminal that goes to the starter motor, so it is
> already
> connected for you, and you need do nothing with it.
>         Cheers,
>         Vance
>         P.S. This is exactly how my solenoid came back from the
> rebuilder. The
> starter works soooo much better, it starts the car in 1/2 second every
> time. Very
> satisfying.....
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-6pack@autox.team.net [mailto:owner-6pack@autox.team.net] On
> Behalf Of Mark
> Sent: June 09, 2005 7:03 AM
> To: 6pack@autox.team.net
> Subject: Starter Solenoid problem
> Hi all, new to the list. I'd like to get some feedback on this if I can.
> I took the starter from my 76 TR6 to a local auto electric shop, and
> they did a beautiful job of rebuilding it. The only problem is, they
> had to replace the solenoid and the connectors are different from what
> was on there. So the picture I drew for myself to reconnect everything
> isn't helping much!
> If anyone would be so kind as to look at this photo of the new
> solenoid and give me some feedback, I would very much appreciate it.
> http://www.imagehosting.us/imagehosting/showimg.jpg/?id=522359
> In the picture, A & B appear to be copper bolts, accepting the
> ring-style connectors. I think B is where my large red battery ( + )
> cable would go. C & D are "Lucar" style connectors, one much wider
> than the other, located right behind the B terminal.
> E & F are two other lucar connectors.
> Thanks for any help you can provide on getting me hooked back up!
> Meanwhile, I'm calling the shop to see if this thing came with any
> paperwork they can fax me.
> Mark

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