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Re Low oil pressure

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Re Low oil pressure
From: tr6taylor@webtv.net (Sally or Dick Taylor)
Date: Thu, 28 Apr 2005 23:30:27 -0700
Brian---Others have hinted that increasing the oil pressure relief
spring tension will NOT help the numbers seen on the dash gauge.  This
is pretty much correct. The only added pressure from doing this will
come when the oil is cold, when you need less pressure. The bi-pass
kicks in when the pressure exceeds the rate of the spring, allowing some
of the oil to return to the sump.

Your 50 lb. of (hot) pressure at road speed is a little low. Sometimes
just a change of rod and main bearings will restore the pressure up to
65-70 lb., which is good.

At this time, I wouldn't be too concerned about the pump itself needing
looked at.   Nor the set screw (plug) on the rockers. (See my other
blah-blah on this subject)

bytr6@frontiernet.net(Brian Yarborough) Date: Thu, Apr 28, 2005,
6:15pm (PDT+3) To: 6pack@autox.team.net (6-pack) Subject: Low oil
Hi all; 
I've been following the low oil pressure subject avidly. My '76 has
about 12# @ hot idle, 50 # @ speed. 
So, I should check oil pressure sender, set screw on rockers, then check
the oil pump specs? 
Brian Yarborough
1976 TR-6

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