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6-PACK Magazine editor

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: 6-PACK Magazine editor
From: "mjmullin@juno.com" <mjmullin@juno.com>
Date: Fri, 25 Mar 2005 02:54:49 GMT
Hi all.....Matt Mullin here; long time Chairman, infrequent poster.

6-PACK is currently looking for clubmembers who are interested in helping out 
with the publishing of the club's magazine.  After several years, Corey has 
decided to pass the editor's torch to another deserving individual.  The ideal 
person would have a knowledge of desktop publishing such as Adobe CE 
(Pagemaker) or Quark Express and a knowledge of the club's issues and 

As most of youy are aware, the magazine is several issues behind, and we're 
working on addressing this problem (I heard that the mailing labels arrived at 
the printer's today...hooray!).  When Corey took over for Kerry, we knew that 
we would be keeping the quality high at the expense of timeliness.  But, as a 
paying club member, you deserve better.  Most of the club's officers have heard 
from members who (rightfully so) are disappointed as of late, and for that, I 
apologize.  I'd also like to thank those of you who stand by the club and 
understand that it takes approximately 80-100 hours to produce an issue.  We're 
all volunteers, who have jobs, families, and basements that flood (guess who 
rented a power auger at Home Deopt last night?)  I would also like to point out 
that although Corey is the magazine's "front man", he is not to blame for the 
most recent delay; the magazine has been delayed several weeks through no fault 
of his own.

The club officers have also discussed the possibility of a magazine "team", 
consisting of possibly an editor, laypout person, printer liason, adverting 
sales, etc.  The quality of the magazine has grown to the point where it 
appears to be too much for any one person; therefore, the team approach.  If 
you are interested in this critical club position, or want to help out in a 
lesser role, please contact me off the list at this email address or at 
brg69tr6@juno.com so we can discuss this further.  In addition, you can do your 
part by submitting "copy" (human interest articles or technical) or high 
resolution digital photographs for the magazine...Kerry always said that it was 
half the battle generating content for the newsletter.

Thanks for your consideration and support, Matt

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