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Re: Lucas stuff - enjoy

To: "Gary R." <techpartners@charter.net>, "'6pack'"
Subject: Re: Lucas stuff - enjoy
From: "John Macartney" <standardtriumph@btinternet.com>
Date: Tue, 22 Mar 2005 22:22:24 -0000
Kind of reminds me of the story - more than 30 years ago - of the
complaining customer who brought in his Buick (imported new to the UK three
years earlier) with yet another inoperative starter. We'd fitted the car
with the genuine Motorola (I think) replacement on two previous occasions -
and all had failed.
He was less than happy with the reliability - and made his views clear.
Things then got *personal* with the Service Receptionist who eventually said
something along these lines.
"Look at it this way, Sir. It's all a question of relativities."
"What do you mean? Relativities?"
"Well, Sir. Your car's made in the same country where they spend billions of
dollars on a wotsit at Cape Canaveral that fails on lift-off and crashes.
What d'you expect from a fifty quid starter motor?"


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