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Leaking heater core

To: 6Pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Leaking heater core
From: "Walter Fogle" <lbc4me@hotmail.com>
Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2005 17:26:18 +0000

I discovered a few drips of coolant on the passenger footwell.  At first I 
suspected the two "pretzel" hoses that connect the core to the rest of the 
cooling system.  Not so simple, I'm afraid.  The leak appears to be in the 
core itself and seems to be running out along the edge of the air flap that 
is on the bottom of the heater assembly.

Now, let me say, I want to fix this properly.  That will probably mean 
removing the gauges, dash front, etc. as described in the Bentley manual.  A 
new core may be in order.  But...what is the consensus out there regarding 
use of a "leak stop" product first?  Any particular adverse problems for the 
rest of the cooling system?  The car is a good runner otherwise.

Your opinions are appreciated and respected.

Walt Fogle
'72 TR6

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