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Re: Parts Country of origin

To: Rick & Lori O <trinitygadget@alltel.net>
Subject: Re: Parts Country of origin
From: David Friedlander <forzion@maine.rr.com>
Date: Wed, 16 Mar 2005 19:02:07 -0500
I agree, Rick. The Wal-Mart mentality has spread to every industry. Cost 
is king., Well, you cannot compete with people making a dollar a day for 
wages., as Bob Lang has said. That's not because of "Dubyah." This isn't 
his doing. That's me, my neighbor, and everyone else buying "stuff" at 
Target, Wal-mart and many other places because it's "cheaper." We make 
choices that will cost us big time if we don't take back what we're 
giving away. Foreigners own more of the U.S. than we do!! One day, the 
Chinese will stop funding our promissory notes. Uh-oh!!

I like buying from Rimmer's. Many of their parts are made in the UK. 
It's not the same as "Made in the USA" but it somehow seems closer to home.

One man's opinion.


Rick & Lori O wrote:

>Don't forget the Wal Mart et. al. travesty too.  "Everyday Low Prices"
>compliments of displaced American workers and poverty-level wages overseas.
>How many more closings will it take?
>Rick O.

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