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Peter Egan on 'The Prince of Darkness'

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Peter Egan on 'The Prince of Darkness'
From: David Friedlander <forzion@maine.rr.com>
Date: Sat, 12 Mar 2005 15:44:41 -0500
Hey list!

Anyone seen/read the great article in the April issue of Road & Track? 
In a monthly column
called 'Side Glances,' the author, Peter Egan, has written an article 
entitled "Our Old Pal,
the Prince of Darkness." It is complete with Peter's reminiscences of 
his TR-3 and a Sprite,
along with early '70's MGB's he's owned.  He retells some old Lucas 
jokes (the 3-position
Lucas switch with positions for Dim, Flicker and Off ! Hah!) and a host 
of other British
stories you'll enjoy. I really enjoyed his writing style, too (the 
subject didn't hurt, either!). 
A keeper!  (See pages 41 and 43; April issue; R&T)!


Dave Friedlander

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