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Warning on car buying scam

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Warning on car buying scam
From: ghamilton99@comcast.net
Date: Wed, 09 Mar 2005 14:43:22 +0000
Saw the discussion about the poss car buying scam.  It is real.  I had my Range 
Rover for sale & got 30-40 of the same type of polite sounding ads to offer me 
more than asking if I would cash the check for them.

They even offered to send the money 1st & then someone to pick up the car site 

At first I engaged a few offers & when I demanded cashier check/money order in 
the amount of vehicle they backed down.

It's almost as bad as the Nigerian $20 million bank deposit!

This time it's seller beware!

Read this:


Gary J. Hamilton

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