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Re: Swarthout question -- take 2

To: "David Friedlander" <forzion@maine.rr.com>, <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: Swarthout question -- take 2
From: "Andrew Packard" <apackard68@comcast.net>
Date: Mon, 7 Mar 2005 22:43:36 -0800
Nearly two years after I first sent my $105 for the valve cover, Jim sent
emails to those whose names were not on the Attorney General's list.  I
asked him to send me my valve cover whenever he completed them and that I
would not reduce his capital for the project by asking for my money back.  I
only wished him luck getting back on his feet after a crazy year personally.
He vowed to get me my valve cover if it's the last thing he does.  I don't
have a valve cover, but I have a lot of respect for someone who went out of
his way to get our hobby something innovative and inexpensive, even if he
failed to deliver afer all of his issues.  I hope we can all recognize
intent and effort and only encourage future endeavors in our hobby.  I wish
I had more of that kind of risk-taking attitude in my own life.  We
frequently only hear about those people like Herman Van den Akker, Richard
Good and others who are successful with getting their innovative products
out to us.  We need more like Jim who are willing to stick their necks out
and try to deliver something new to our hobby.  It won't be my axe coming
down on those necks.

Andy Packard
TRAC President, Baltimore, MD

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David Friedlander" <forzion@maine.rr.com>
To: <6pack@autox.team.net>
Sent: Monday, March 07, 2005 6:36 PM
Subject: Swarthout question -- take 2

> Hi list;
> Maybe I wasn't very clear with my question or maybe folks don't feel
> like talking about it.
> On the possibility I wasn't clear, I'll rephrase my question. Then if I
> get no replies, I'll know
> it's just a subject folks don't want to discuss or acknowledge. That's
> So:
> 1.) My  question is to anyone who, perhaps, was unfortunate enough to
> order a valve cover,
>       NOT roller rockers.
> 2.) Of those of you who ordered a valve cover and, of course, received
> nothing from Jim,
>       have you heard anything back from the Florida Attorney General's
> office? They e-mailed
>       me last  year, I responded. but have heard nothing since.
>  Jim once told me I was the first one to send him funds for the valve
> cover. He even told
>  me he had some ready. then, poof, nothing... Such is life. I'm just
> trying to tie off some
>  loose ends here. Closure is a good thing.
> Dave Friedlander
> CF25194UO

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