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Window glass- update

To: 6pack list <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: Window glass- update
From: Peter Macholdt <vze2846b@verizon.net>
Date: Fri, 04 Mar 2005 16:52:32 -0500
OK, I called TRF and this is the story (in case anybody is really

According to Dave, Federal law mandates laminated glass for the front
windshield and hardened (tempered) glass for the side windows. Since
hardened glass cannot be ground, I guess I'll be looking for another way to
loosen the glass in the passenger side door channels. FWIW, this is all so
that the glass will cock back about 1/4 inch and line up with the door post.

Oh yeah, the channels are new from TRF and adjusted as far out as possible.
Enlarging the holes will not help in this situation.


I find that I need to remove a bit of glass from my passenger side window
(long story). My local glass place says no problem if it is laminated glass
and no go if it is tempered (can you say explode?)

The window itself does not say tempered, but Triplex hardened. I'm betting
that what they really mean is tempered.

Anyone know if the originals were laminated? How about the replacements from
the usual suspects?

'68 TR250

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