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Rare TR6 for sale in Columbus, OH

To: "6pack" <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: Rare TR6 for sale in Columbus, OH
From: "Bruce Miles" <bmiles@intinfo.com>
Date: Fri, 4 Mar 2005 09:25:24 -0500
One of our club members is selling his 1976 TR6, white with a factory hard

4,500 original miles. There is an add for it in this months newsletter with
a couple of pictures.

The link is: http://www.buckeyetriumphs.org/newsletter/PDF_Files/Feb2005.pdf

Apparently the fellow that bought this car for his wife, she didnt like it
and rarely drove it. They passed away 2 years ago and Carl found it in
Indiana. I thought some of you might be interested.

Bruce Miles
Newsletter Editor
Buckeye Triumphs
www.buckeyetriumphs.org <http://www.buckeyetriumphs.org/>

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