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Re: Oil Filter for Spin On Adapter

To: "John & Allison Cyganowski" <janah@att.net>,
Subject: Re: Oil Filter for Spin On Adapter
From: "Kai M. Radicke" <kradicke@wishboneclassics.com>
Date: Tue, 8 Feb 2005 20:50:16 -0500

> 1.) What oil filter cartridge is recommended for this unit?

Fram PH3600, you can find it almost anywhere is the default filter.  I
prefer Purolator Pure One PL20195 filters (I am pretty sure that is the
number, going off the top of my head here tonight).  This is a common
filter, it is still used by Ford for their Ford Focus line 2000 to at least
2002 Ford Focuses.

> 2.) Is there supposed to be a washer between the adapter and
> bolt head that holds it in place?

Yes, a copper crush washer if I recall correctly.



Kai M. Radicke
Wishbone Classics
* British Car Parts *
Ph: 215.945.7250

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