I replaced my caliper pistons about a year ago with new stainless steel ones.
My old ones were also very stuck in the calipers too. The screw driver only
works at first until you get the lip exposed and then you still have another
3/4" to go. Since it is a very tight fit, especially with a coating of rust and
grime it is very easy to jam the piston at an angle when only prying one side
at a time. I separated the two caliper halves and rigged up a small wheel pull
with two fingers that fit into the groove of the piston. Then I balanced
another wrench across the caliper faces for the center bolt of the pull to
against. This was a tough job but being able to pull/lift from both sides of
the piston at the same time really helps. And yes, the wrench across the
does slip so watch your fingers! I did not have access to compressed air and
did not try the grease gun trick either. Good Luck!
Michael Rankin
1971 TR6 CC 61212 L
Louisiana, USA