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Re: TRF TR6 Volume II Catalogue in HTML

To: "Don Malling" <dmallin@attglobal.net>, "6-Pack"
Subject: Re: TRF TR6 Volume II Catalogue in HTML
From: "Terry Geiger" <tgeiger@ShoalsBritishCars.org>
Date: Fri, 3 Dec 2004 10:19:54 -0600

I'll be glad to put this on the ShoalsBritishCars.org web site.  Contact me 
off-list if you want me to do this and we'll make arrangements.

Terry Geiger
Florence, Alabama USA
'74 Triumph TR6 (for sunny days)
'84 Mercedes Benz 300D Turbo Diesel (for the wife to drive)
'90 Chevy S-10 (to fetch parts for the first two)

> Some time back John Swauger at TRF gave me a TR6 Volume II Catalogue to 
> cut up, scan in and turn into HTML. For one reason or another, I put it on 
> the back burner, but now it's finished.
> As designed, it comes up with a simple index page that has TRF logos and 
> TRF contact information, and a table of contents that looks very much like 
> the TOC in the manual, with the description of each Plate on a line. You 
> click on a Plate line and two pop-up windows appear. One with the picture 
> for that Plate, and the other with the parts list. There are two versions 
> of this thing, one with the two pop-ups, and the other with a single 
> pop-up with the picture and parts list in the same window.
> I designed it this way so as to enable it to be placed on a web page. The 
> user will only transmit the pictures he clicks on. If TRF doesn't do 
> anything with it, maybe Buckeye Triunphs or someone could put it on a web 
> site.
> I've sent it to TRF. I don't know whether they will use it or not, but 
> I'll send it to anyone who wants it.
> It's 45 meg zipped and I'm on a modem at home. I'll have to send it from 
> work and I don't want to call attention to myself, so I'll only send out a 
> few each day. If there's a lot of interest in this thing, maybe some of 
> you folks on faster lines can help send it around.
> Thanks,
> Don Malling

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