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RE: Mushroom

To: "6pack List" <6pack@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: RE: Mushroom
From: "Kendall Larsen" <mailkendall@sbcglobal.net>
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 2004 09:21:35 -0800
>       I think that tells you there is something rotting, probably
> from excessive moisture, no?

Hey Vance,

Yeah I was originally just posting that to the list for humor sake because I
knew there was some dampness in my carpet from being parked outside in the
rain. But upon further investigation it seems that the padding (sound
deadening) beneath the carpet is MUCH more wet than I had guessed. Not cool.
I guess I will try to get it dried out and maybe use some of the anti-fungal
stuff that Chris suggested.


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