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Rocker Panels

To: <6pack@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Rocker Panels
From: "John & Allison Cyganowski" <janah@att.net>
Date: Fri, 26 Nov 2004 08:00:49 -0500
Hi All-

 There seems to be a section of panel directly trailing the wheel well that 
appears to be about 1 ft long and then ends in what appears to be a seam. I 
thought I had seen this part in the catalogs, but the ones I have show just 
1 long rocker panel.

I am interested in just how the rocker panels fit and are attached to the 
vehicle. I would prefer to just replace the short section if I can.  How 
hard are the inner rockers to replace with the body still on the frame?

John Cyg 

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