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RE: Forwarded: '69 TR6 decal

To: "'Joseph Grant'" <z28quetzal@mindspring.com>, <TR6UO@aol.com>,
Subject: RE: Forwarded: '69 TR6 decal
From: "Rick & Lori O" <trinitygadget@alltel.net>
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2004 21:21:50 -0400
Paint originality does not necessarily dictate the authenticity of wing
decals unless you are the original owner.  An owner can rip off the "TR 6"
decals and apply the Union Jacks.  I believe the switch occurred at BL's
whim during the '72 model production year, not beginning with CF.

Rick O.
72 TR6 (CC80171UO w/Union Jacks)

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