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Power Loss Update 2

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Power Loss Update 2
From: Carsickguy@aol.com
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 2004 02:10:54 -0400
Thanks to all of the listers who helped sort out the power loss problem I was 
experiencing.  In the end it came down to improper float height.  The previous 
owner of the carbs had installed Grose Jets and replaced the "soft aluminum 
washer" under the jet as instructed by Haynes, but never paid attention to the 
all important float height.  Height with the washers in place was 26-27mm 
versus the 16-17 recommended.  No wonder I was running out of fuel at higher 
rpms!  Running much better now that the bowls are actually getting some fuel in 

Attended the Battle of the the Brits with the TR today and had a great time!  
Developed a mysterious shake in the car on the freeway coming home (it's always 
something...).  Luckily I needed to visit a friend on the way home as I was 
travelling through a construction zone doing about 30mph when the source of the 
shake announced itself with a BANG.  Blew out the left rear tire!  Now I too am 
joining the search for the Holy Grail of TR tires...

I would like to retain the redlines but am definitely interested in better 
performance than the old, hard, Michelins...  I recall one 6er at last year's 
TRails saying he had his redlines cut into some performance tires by 
Diamondback Classics(?).  Has anyone else tried this?  Thanks again for all of 
the assistance!
Stu Ehrhardt, Davisburg, MI '76 Mimosa/Chestnut

PS- since I made my recent postings, I 've missed several issues of the Digest. 
 Anyone else had this problem?  Just curious...  Still the best help anywhere!

Off to TRials 2004 through the UPof MI in a few short hours...  Better sleep...

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