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Fuel Line

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Fuel Line
From: "Buzz Osborn" <bosborn@americanbank.com>
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 2004 13:45:16 -0500
I am in the process of rebuilding my fuel system, and I bought a new 
pump-to-carb pipe from Classic Tube.  The pipe came with a new compression 
nut and sleeve.  The fitting will not seat, however, because the old 
sleeve was longer.  I can't find an 'elongated' compression sleeve. Nobody 
seems to know what I'm talking about.

Has anyone here been through this?  I looked in the archives and saw some 
posts a few years ago from Corey Sherman dealing with the same issue, but 
there was no solution posted.  Is Corey around?

Thanks in advance.

Buzz Osborn
Corpus Christi, TX
75 TR6

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