On Wed, 31 Mar 2004, Kevin McNelis wrote:
> I was working in the shop with my 16yr old son. He was welding, I was
> grinding. I am 47 years old, and old habits die hard. I wear safety glasses
> if they are handy, and if I think about it and if... Well, I got a fairly
> large sliver of steel imbedded in my cornea. Hurt like he... Went to the
> opthomologist and had it removed with this little dremmel tool thing. Still
> in mucho pain. Should fully recover, but I have learned my lesson:
I'll second this message.
I actually had this happen twice! Once when I was putting the safety
glasses on (I accidentally hit the on switch to the die grinder and it
contacted a part of the (rusty) suspension). The other was when I was
pulling my safety glasses off (the power sander exhaust kicked up some
dust right into my eyes!)
Convalesence is quite painful and uncomfortable. Try resting for 48 hours
without moving your eyes!!
> L. Kevin McNelis, Ph.D. C.P.A.
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