It's my understanding that Tony Vigliotti from LITA (Long Island
Triumphs Association) builds TR6 frames for about $2000.00
His contact info is:
Tony Vigliotti
Don Malling
Navarrette, Vance wrote:
> Adam:
> I believe you will find that there are several suppliers for
> frame repair sections. No need to replace the whole frame in
> most cases, just the most rot-prone areas.
> Much more economical that building entire frames, which
> are expensive to ship. Same thing with bodies, easier to
> replace the fender or hood than to replace an entire body. While
> there may be some people out there that would rather buy a complete
> frame than dink with repairs, most people will opt for the less
> expensive solution, or buy a recycled frame.
> It is not just LBCs that face this situation, *ANY* older
> car will be in a similar position. You just need to be creative and
> look for those obscure cottage businesses that specialize in the
> small markets for old cars.
> Just adds to the charm of our cars, I think.
> Vance
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] On
> Behalf Of Adam C Beasley
> Sent: Monday, March 22, 2004 7:21 PM
> To: '6-Pack';
> Subject: Frame Question
> I was looking through my parts catalogs and started wondering why no one
> makes the frame for the TR6?
> <snip>
> I would love to hear people's ideas, opinions or answers!
> Adam Beasley
> 1973 TR6 CF3857U Mimosa Yellow