Hello All,
I ship my body parts and items over 150 inches via Greyhound.
I grabbed a receipt at random... A rear seat from a 1966 Plymouth
Satellite, shipping from western South Dakota to Lake Charles, LA. , about
1200 miles. This is a B-Body seat , top and bottom, weighing 63 pounds.
It's volume was slightly smaller than 30x47x82 inches, which is their
maximum dimensions. Cost with $300 insurance ( $1 extra ): $54
I've shipped hoods, trunk lids, fenders, seats... all for similar
prices. Though they have never lost anything, ALWAYS buy the insurance! A
dollar well spent.
Take off on a romantic weekend or a family adventure to these great U.S.
locations. http://special.msn.com/local/hotdestinations.armx