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Re: More electrical

To: "Kevin McNelis" <kmcnelis@nmsu.edu>
Subject: Re: More electrical
From: genehart@att.net
Date: Wed, 12 Nov 2003 19:21:38 +0000

Since I completely dissassembled the inside for my restoration, the answer is 
NO, you do not have to remove the heater core and box, actually, the wires 
are held in place on the front of it, and only the wires that run to the 
right side of the car. You'll find they wrap together in front of it. Also do 
not remove the metal facia, onlt the wood one is fine, it gives good access 
to the rear of the bulkead.

You can get at the wiper motor wires from inside, but you'll do alot of 
digging in there. Just remove the heater hoses, they were easy to deal with, 
and gave lots more room to work with.
Gene Hart
1973 TR6 CF10918 U 
(soon to be UO, thanks j.esposito)
Carmine to Pimento 
(thanks DUPONT)
Undergoing frame off restoration 
(thanks loving wife)
(201)981-3327 (c)
> First of all, I want to thank everyone that has offered suggestions, all
> very helpful.  I have not given up yet!
> I have the Master's book, and read the section on rebuilding wiring
> harnesses.  Upon inspection, I found joints made by DFO that were
> (literally) bare wires twisted together wrapped with duct tape, so I have
> decided to rebuild the main harness.  I have it almost completely out, most
> of it is laying on the driver's seat.  I am having a little trouble with the
> right side- the starter motor and W/S washer.  PLEASE tell me I don't have
> to remove the heater core and heater blower to remove the wiring!?  Can I
> just remove the glove box, and get to everything from there (I have taken
> off the wood fascia already).  Hints, suggestions?
> Thanks again.
> Kevin
> L. Kevin McNelis, Ph.D.  C.P.A.
> Assistant Professor
> Accounting & Business Computer Systems
> New Mexico State University

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