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Re: TSI Rockers

To: "'Nick Gemas'" <gln@worldpath.net>
Subject: Re: TSI Rockers
From: "Jim Swarthout" <jswarth1@tampabay.rr.com>
Date: Thu, 16 Oct 2003 20:37:00 -0400

I hope you're still here!

There is some question as to whether or not I made derogatory comments
about Ted Schumakers' Roller Rockers when you were having trouble with
your installation a while back.

Being that you were in the forefront of this discussion I would really
appreciate your impression of my comments.

Barring the usual crap that I endure...and subsequently dish out...I'm
certain I never once said anything unkind about Ted's products.

If I have erred I will gladly apologize to Ted.

I remember stating that, and have e-mails to support this:

(1) Your rockers will work fine

(2) wait until you can speak to the manufacturer.

On list, or privately to you I did not suggest that you should have
bought my rockers!

A little birdie created a cloud of smoke...that had no benefit to the
list what-so-ever.

We had several...Off list conversations...this is one.


In terms of the valve train geometry, the relative location of the valve
tip is most important. 

I may be mistaken, but I assume from your post that you are trying to
determine whether or not your valves are too long thus causing the
problems with your rocker installation. The overall valve length will
not provide a conclusive answer if you have had any sort of extensive
valve, (head), work done prior to assembly. I will be glad to elaborate
if this seems misleading.

Assuming that the valve spring land area has not been cut, you should
measure 1.675-1.680 from the spring land to the valve tip, (you will
need to remove the spring to accurately take this measurement). This
value, (as measured), will let you know whether or not the, (rocker
critical), geometry of your engine has been altered from O.E.M. spec. A
.010"-.020" differential will make no difference. A .080"-.125"
difference would be a red flag as to why your rockers do not align

Best regards,

Jim Swarthout

-----Original Message-----

  Anyone out there know the overall length of a stock TR6 valve? Intake
or exhaust.

I'm still dealing with the Roller Rocker problem. Great help from all
the list and it is very much appreciated. I have a call in to Richard
Good in hopes his new rocker pedestals will fix the problem.

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