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Brake MC Part Update

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Brake MC Part Update
From: Acekraut11@aol.com
Date: Sat, 27 Sep 2003 11:29:33 -0400
Hi List...

Thanks to all of those who have responded.  Thanks to the wonderful resource 
this list is I have received numerous responses, some of which tell me that I 
have a MC that is defective and that I should take it back, but there are 
people who have a MC that is exactly the same as the one I received.  Based on 
this I have to believe that either the manufacturing process for this part was 
changed or a different supplier uses a slightly different process to produce 
the part.

Either way I will keep the part and use it and return it if for some reason it 
does not perform as expected.  Should that be the case, I will let the list 

In a related manner, it still appears that I have some type of AOL issues at 
times when it comes to receiving posts that are made to the list.  For 
instance, the response that Jeff sent never appeared in my mailbox and unless 
others had answered his response and included it in the body of their response 
I never would have known that it had been sent.  Should anyone send a response 
to me my intention is ALWAYS to respond, even if it is just with a quick "Thank 
you".  If you do not receive a response from me chances are that I didnt 
receive it care of AOL.  I do seem to receive all the posts that are sent to me 
directly.(at least I think I do)

Thanks again for all your help.

Aaron Cropley

Topsham, Maine

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