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RE: Trouble shooting

To: "'TR6 Triumph'" <tr6_1969@hotmail.com>, <pjgraffam@juno.com>,
Subject: RE: Trouble shooting
From: "Jim Swarthout" <jswarth1@tampabay.rr.com>
Date: Thu, 25 Sep 2003 00:05:37 -0400

Which TOYO gearbox did you use during your conversion? Part #'s serial
#'s are useless. I need the year and model of car it was taken from.

5th gear was not only frequently serviced for many models; but lucky for
you "easily serviced".

Spare yourself the grand finale, 1-4 will suffice until further
investigation determines whether or not the 5th gear pack is at fault!!!

Jim Swarthout

Hi Al,

Maybe you are putting your car in reverse?  Or maybe you need to further

explain "5th gear".  If I put my TR6 in "5th gear" at 65 mph I imagine
would buck too!!!

Dave Herbert

>Running up through top speed has been fine until I hit 5th gear @
>65 to 75 mph and I start experiencing moderate bucking and skipping.
>No skipping in all the other gears even at 5k rpm.  About 3k rpm it
>starts up on me.  All ignition components are in good order.  Could it
>a fuel pump telling me something?  Looking for help.
>Al Graffam  74  CT.


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