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TR250 prototype

To: "Triumph" <triumphs@autox.team.net>, <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: TR250 prototype
From: "Derek Graham" <saffrontr@tiscali.co.uk>
Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2003 20:20:48 +0100
This is an appeal to anyone who may have information or history on a TR250
prototype commission no X753. This car has always been RHD and was in the USA
from 1968 through to 1995 when it returned to the UK. The car has a 6 cylinder
engine no X1046E and it is believed that the car was used by Triumph as a long
term test car for the twin strombergs and emission equipment for the TR250.
The body is pure TR4A, it is painted in Conifer/Triumph Racing Green and the
only visible external difference to the 4A is in the front grille which is an
unpainted TR250/5 item. Unfortunately the car has suffered extremely badly
over here in the UK and needs a total rebuild. The new owner is keen to learn
anything of its history whilst over in the US and whilst I can help with
details from the Triumph prototype register and its history in the UK, the 27
plus years that it was in the US are a blank. Any help with information or
suggestions of who to contact would be much appreciated.

Derek Graham

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