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Re: Dreaded rear right clunk

To: jlumia@ball.com
Subject: Re: Dreaded rear right clunk
From: "Paula J. Graffam" <pjgraffam@juno.com>
Date: Mon, 8 Sep 2003 17:23:50 -0400
Hi John,

" If I am comfortable removing the diff."  ???? 

 NO!  I will not be comfortable on my back and getting a stiff neck and
cursing the exhaust system.  I am too old (57 years). And I know there
are older guys out there who can and will do this, but not this guy.   

After a thorough analysis of what's required I will pay the $$$ for
another to do this #@%^& job.  I guess it's all my fault for regularly
burning out in 1st and 2nd gear to impress my 51 year old wife.  I hope
she doesn't see this! 


Al Graffam 74 French Blue  
ps . . . I just got my first citation in 25 years from a surly MA state
patrol officer who " thought" I was driving my TR6 too fast in a
construction zone when I hit a bump at 30mph and lifted the front end off
the ground. ( no warning of bump ahead)  $145.00 worth of charges that
are bogus!!!  Of course I'm going to court and I pray the officer is
there.  I have a few more things to tell him.  My front end is ok.

By the way . . . when he turned his back to me after giving me the ticket
I started the car and gave him alot of exhaust.  He didn't like that too
much and told me he'd give me another ticket for defective equipment with
my "after market rear end muffler"!!!  That really hurt me.

On Mon, 8 Sep 2003 10:16:47 -0600 "Lumia, John" <jlumia@ball.com> writes:
> Al, I removed the exhaust and the rear diff, then hired a local guy 
> to come over and weld it.  If you have everything ready to go for 
> the welder, then it should be about an hour to fix the crack and 
> weld the gussets, two hours tops.  If your comfortable removing the 
> diff (straightforward to remove by undoing the half shafts and drive 
> shaft bolts using two 9/16 wrenches, then removing the 4 nuts 
> holding the diff in place), then I think in the end its cheaper to 
> pay the welder to come over, but his road charges will offset the 
> cost of bringing it to a shop and having him do the whole job.  
> YMMV.  Removing the exhaust system from the center on back is 
> optional, but I usually do it cause it makes life easier for me and 
> probably the welder too.  
> John - 76 TR6
> Al wrote:>
> I have a cracked front right differential mounting bracket ( NOT the
> forward cross -member).  I ran my finger on the upper side of the 
> bracket
> and it's cracked on the outboard side.
> I have a local British mechanic who has experience in repairs but 
> I'm
> wondering if any of you on the list has ever tackled this job and 
> how
> labor intensive is it.  
> I'm very inexperienced about the rear end and I'm strongly leaning 
> to
> paying the $$$ for this absolutely, positively, necessary job.  I've
> already ordered the cut out pieces from TRF.  


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